Padma Fischer-White: An Intimate Look Into Thai Culture

Thailand tips | Travel smart | Thai culture | Thai language | Language hacks | Thai hacks | Respectful travel | Thailand explained | Cultural awareness

A perfectly designed online course that lets you experience Thailand beyond the surface.

Padma Fischer-White: An Intimate Look Into Thai Culture
Original price was: 29.90 €.Current price is: 19.90 €.

Kurss ir veidots starptautiskai auditorijai angļu valodā (bez latviešu subtitriem) – tiem, kas jau ir bijuši Taizemē, plāno to apmeklēt vai pat padarīt par savām mājām. Kurss būs interesants ikvienam, kurš vēlas gūt dziļāku izpratni par “smaidu zemi”.

6 būtiski ieguvumi no šī kursa apgūšanas:

Uzlabotas angļu valodas prasmes: kurss ir ANGĻU VALODĀ BEZ LATVIEŠU SUBTITRIEM, taču ar iespēju ieslēgt ANGĻU titrus un/vai video teksta atšifrējumu. 

Amizantu pretrunu iepazīšana: lekciju laikā iepazīsi un “atšifrēsi” Taizemes kultūrā pastāvošās pretrunas, kas palīdzēs kļūt atvērtākam un pieņemošākam.

Dziļāku izpratni par taizemiešu kultūru, vērtībām un gudrību: zināšanas, kas no Taizemē pavadītā laikā ļaus gūt maksimālu labumu, kas “vienkāršam ceļotājam” var palikt slēpti.

Labas manieres saskarsmē ar vietējiem iedzīvotājiem: taizemiešu kultūrā augsti novērtētu manieru pārzināšana un piekopšana pavērs durvis uz pieredzi un iespaidiem, kas citādi nebūtu pieejami.

“Do’s and don’ts” karte: informācija par to, kas ir atļauts un kas ne, palīdzēs izvairīties no pārpratumiem un neveiklām vai pat aizskarošām situācijām, kā arī palīdzēs veidot cieņpilnu un draudzīgu saskarsmi ar vietējiem cilvēkiem un institūcijām.

Taizemiešu valodas prasmes: idiomas, frāzes, valodas knifi, kas ne tikai palīdzēs apgūt sadzīvē noderīgas frāzes, bet arī ļaus paraudzīties uz Taizemi un tās kultūru no pavisam citas – valodas – perspektīvas.

Padma Fischer-White: An Intimate Look Into Thai Culture

Kursa apraksts angļu valodā

Discover what truly matters to Thai people

This course pulls back the curtain on the enigmatic people of Thailand, their culture, and their language. Visitors to “The Land of Smiles” usually enjoy the friendly people and their laid-back attitude, but so many visitors miss out on gaining a deeper understanding of what’s important to Thai people, their values, and their wisdom.

Padma Fischer-White: An Intimate Look Into Thai Culture

Navigate Thailand with clarity and confidence

Both short-term visitors and expats who have lived here for decades will find potent gems that explain their experience and help their understanding of being a foreigner in Thailand. Most foreigners have had experiences that left them scratching their heads or wondering what was lost in translation, and the insights offered in this course will help make sense of so many of those confusing moments.

Padma Fischer-White: An Intimate Look Into Thai Culture

About the instructor

Padma Fischer-White: An Intimate Look Into Thai Culture

Padma fell in love with Thailand during her first family visit in 1981 at age 7. Annual holidays led to volunteering at a refugee camp in Phanat Nikhom in 1988, where her mother worked. Captivated by the culture, she vowed to make Thailand her home. She gained early insights into Thai culture while working at a Thai restaurant in Colorado. In 2002, she moved her family to Thailand. Padma learned Thai from her students and locals. In 2006, she opened a school for her son, making many cultural mistakes along the way but ultimately learning to navigate Thai culture successfully.

Padma Fischer-White: An Intimate Look Into Thai Culture

Course plan

Padma’s story. How and why Thailand?

Values, rules, and manners

– Thai values: Even when you might not expect them!
– How to “wai” according to situation
– “A heart concerned for the welfare of others”
– Delicate manners in the “Land of Smiles”
– Delicacy and sensitivity towards others
– Refined table manners
– Tipping
– “The right” relationship with hierarchy, officials, and institutions
– Traffic rules, or should I say – traffic tolerance?

People and community

– Monarchy and respect for the king
– Ghosts and “bribing” the spirits
– LGBTQ community
– Sex industry. “A ticket” out of poverty

Do’s and don’ts

– Hinting, not confronting
– Shoes
– Feet
– Clothing
– Sacred things
– Getting too personal in public
– Arguing
– Driving
– Complaining


Get encouraged to learn Thai

– Learning Thai – it’s easier than you think!
– The complexity of English and simplicity of the Thai language
– Using tones in English vs. using tones in Thai
– “Are you thinking too much?”

Learning the basics

– Let’s learn the tones
– Let’s practice the tones. Intro
– Let’s practice the tones. You’ve got this
– How to apologize and take responsibility
– Three words that make a difference

Learning fun and tricky things

– Fun words with “heart”
– Fun words with “water”
– Fun homonyms
– “No worries”
– Names and nicknames
– Tricky thing about vowels
– Tricky consonants in Thai

12 words for 60 sentences

– Part I: Question word, “no / not”, “to be able”, “to want”, “to go”, “to eat”
– Part II: “To have”, “to like”, “to hear”, “to understand”, “to be present”, “to speak”
– Part III: “To want to”

Original price was: 29.90 €.Current price is: 19.90 €.